Игровая программа проводится в он-лайн
варианте регулярных 60-минутных игр в формате делового английского клуба
(за один вечер проводится 2 игры (разминочная и основной деловой кейс),
отрабатывается деловая лексика и навыки говорения. Расписание 2 раза в
Уровни pre-intermediate- intermediate
Список игр (предварительно):
- What’s your position
- Describing company structure
- Find the colleague who (information exchange)
- What were you doing when the boss came in? (lang of persuasion)
- The ideal boss… (character)
- Priopity pyramids (job satisfaction)
- Burnout (situation analysis)
- Describing the workplace
- Where do you work (advantages of different jobs)
- The snowball game (terms-finance)
- Advertising a product
- A difficult choice (opinions, agreeing, disagreeing)
- Hold the line (telephoning1)
- Breaking barriers (telephoning2)
- Business letter memory (e-mails)
- Take the floor (lang of meeting)
- Letter jigsaw (standard bus letter format)
- Bar graph bingo (describing trends)
- A company profile
- A chain of events
- Bus appointments
- The itinerary game
- Negotiating an agreement
- Meet your match (lang of negotiations)
- Forming a subsidiary
- Villa for sale
- Interviewing
- Evaluating job-hunting strategies
- What would you do about it (discussing options)
- Offering advice
- Behave yourself (Inter-cultural competence)
- Comparing cultures
- Making polite suggestions
- Headhunters
- Talking about the boss (executive lifestyle)